"To ignore tradition is foolhardy; to anger the dead by not providing for them tempts fate; to be in a place where others have died subjects you to forces beyond your control. Avoidance, care, ritual, respect, tradition. These are your bywords."
-The Rule of the Dead
Welcome to legendary Japan, a land of unhappy ghosts and mischievous spirits, of cannibal demons and merciful kami. A place where honor is more important than gold and where one's skill with sword and etiquette is the only thing that stands between glorious victory and shameful defeat.
"The Escape from the Haunted Lands" is the first chapter in the "Haunted Lands" Adventure Path, a 10-installment campaign designed to lead the characters on a wonderful journey through the fabled lands of ancient Japan and latter Koryo in a quest to avenge their master's death and restore his son and heir to his rightful place.
This adventure is intended to serve as a tutorial to Japanese adventuring in general and as such contains many iconic encounters taken straight from traditional Japanese folktales and kaidans (ghost stories). Also, the "Seven Tales of Old Japan" at the end of this adventure is designed to give both the DM and the players a glimpse into Japan's rich and fascinating folklore by retelling some of Japan's best-known and loved stories.
Learn more or purchase it direct from RPGObjects here.
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