Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: morality, trust and diplomacy
Think Arminius leading Varro into the Black Forest.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
If you've ever wondered what it's like inside my head...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
[Stranded on a Distant Star]: That 70's show
- 40's camp sci-fi serials of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers
- Sword and Planet novels (Burroughs' John Carter and Venus novels)
- 50's and 60's serious sci-fi, of magazines like Galaxy Science Fiction and radio shows like X-Minus One (and Star Trek and the Twilight Zone, both of which ripped off X-Minus One to a degree that is not at all funny)
- 70's and 80's space opera, which borrowed a bit from all these: Star Wars, Space: 1999, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th century, Black Hole
- 80's sci-fi movies that aren't space operas: Terminator, Alien, Blade Runner
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
[Stranded on a Distant Star] 20%
Monday, February 15, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: specialists
[Stranded on a Distant Star] 5 down...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: alien graveyard
Spartacus: Blood and Sand is hilarious!
Spartacus is a historical depiction of ancient Rome's society and culture.The intensity of the sensuality, brutality and language is to suggest an authentic representation of that period.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: influences
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: character interaction
Stranded Logo

Some folks have asked for a "stranded" logo.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star: scavenging
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stranded on a Distant Star
The Terran Insterstellar Marine Force is the toughest branch of the Unified Earth Military Command. In their storied 200 year history as the infantry arm of the Terran Expeditionary Fleet, the Leathernecks had battled the feral xenomorphs of Rigil Kentaurus, stormed the asteroid fortresses of the Void Pirates and eradicated an uprising of the savage native Vrish who threatened the Pleiades Colony. But they had never faced a foe like the Fyr'Toll
Background: It is the year 2268 and mankind is locked in a bitter war of extermination with the Fyr`Toll, a frightening, inhuman blend of man and machine. Their first attacks came without warning and decimated the most powerful nations on Earth. The United States of Africa, the Indian Conglomerate, the Pan-American League and the Asian Coalition all lie in ruins.
Earth refused to surrender and after a desperate first year of conflict, managed to match the Fyr`Toll’s technological advantages through a series of daring boarding actions, capturing and reverse engineering enemy vessels. Once parity was achieved however, the war seemed to drag on indefinitely and has just entered its 25th year.
On a deep-space survey mission thought to be far away from the front lines, the player characters served on the UASS Johannesburg, searching out resources vital to the war effort. It is then they run across a Fyr`Toll survey ship, the Kra`Tep. After a brief, vicious firefight, both vessels crash on an uncharted planet below.
Two enemies, stranded on one planet on the edge of space. Neither able to overcome the planet’s natural magnetic field to call for help and watching as a fast-growing jungle constantly threatens to overrun their ruined vessels, as predators kill their crew one by one.
After several firefights, their numbers dwindling, the captain of the Kra`Tep meets with the senior surviving officer of the Johannesburg and suggests the two sides join forces to get free of the deadly planet. When the pact is announced, approximately 25% of the humans and Fyr`Toll strike out on their own, unable to overcome the hatred each feels for the other.
These attack each other, the opposing side and even their fellows, all in an attempt to “convince” them that cooperation with their worst enemy is pointless at best, dangerous at worst.
A game of exploration: This is the campaign of “stranded on a different star”. A hostile alien world must be explored and possibly tamed, at first for simple survival but eventually with the monumental task of pooling resources for a return voyage.
A game of character interaction: But the planet isn’t the only challenge players in the game will face. Can they manage to hold their unstable coalition together and overcome the hatred bred by decades of war? Can they bring their dissidents back into the fold?
A game of discovery: And even when the planet has been explored, there are mysteries left to solve. What about the planet hinders technology? What secrets wait to be discovered in alien ruins? And how closely will each side honor their agreements? If a powerful alien weapon is discovered, will its secrets be shared or will the discovering side try to hide it for return to their side in the war above.
A game of community: Stranded on a Distant Star will be financed by the “ransom” system, where gamers interested in the game will finance it and guide its direction.
If the $1,500 donation threshold is achieved, patrons will gain access to a special discussion group, where they will see advance drafts of the game and comment on its direction. The game will be designed by veteran OGL designer Charles Rice and its mechanics will be 100% OGL, though the setting will remain the property of Vigilance Press/Charles Rice.
Once the game is completed, the game will be made available for free on RPGNow in PDF form. All contributors will be credited in the final PDF copy.
Contributors of $20 or more will receive a POD-print copy of the game.
About the author: Charles Rice is an Ennie-nominated writer with over 100 credits. His books currently in print include: Modern20, Supers20, Darwin’s World (True20 Edition) and the Two Worlds RPG, included in the collectors edition of the Two Worlds X-Box 360 game.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
BIG product announcement coming Monday
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Mass Effect 2: too video gamey (A look at modern design)
Friday, February 05, 2010
It's a Hope Thing
An update
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Maybe I shouldn't be around people
Night Ride Part 1
Night Ride Part 1 “Look, Pa, it’s my turn. Also, Nana is having one of her spells again and she has no idea who I am when she gets this w...