Chinese Super-Soldier Forces
For unknown reasons (although there are a bevy of possible explanations based in genetics, environmental factors and even conspiracy theories involving malevolent Japanese mystics) mainland China seems to produce far fewer individuals with the meta-human genetics than would be expected based on the nations massive population. This unfortunate statistical truth combined with Communist China's harassment of mystics and general harsh treatment of mutants who refused to be drafted into state service had the effect of severely hindering the early attempts at developing a super-soldier program. To make matters worse, unlike the Soviet Union and the US, the People's Republic of China didn't have any salvaged notes from the Bio-Blitz process to work with and had virtually no technical knowledge regarding battle armor. The combination of these factors meant that during the early years of the Cold War, China was at a distinct disadvantage in the super-soldier race.
In the early 50s, the first credible steps towards having a super-soldier program came when the USSR sold China several dozen old, modified WW2 era Shturmovik power armor. The armored Chinese soldiers saw action in the Korean War and during skirmishes in the Strait of Taiwan. These suits were studied closely and reverse engineered by People's Liberation Army technicians and served as the basis for the beginnings of the Chinese power armor program.
The true beginning of a home-grown meta-human program came in the early 1950s, when a Chinese archeological team searching for Neolithic Era artifacts in a remote cave system in the Hunan province made the find of the century. They discovered an intricately carved stone portal. The portal was made of an unusual substance not found anywhere on Earth and closer examination showed that it radiated an unusual energy aura – that was later identified as a tachyonic field. Investigation revealed that the portal could activate a stable, but intermittent, interstellar wormhole to Guraxia – a distant planet on the outer fringe of the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy. The Guraxians were a race of huge reptilian humanoids (some have even suggested that their appearance is vaguely draconic) that had explored the cosmos centuries ago and left behind sub-space portals that led back to their homeworld so that they could maintain contact with the planets they'd visited. Although the Hunan portal had long been forgotten, the Guraxians (who had a generally peaceful and trade-oriented culture) still had records of dealing with Earth and were eager to resume trade and diplomatic contact with our planet. Cursory diplomatic relations were established. China quickly constructed a heavily fortified facility around the Guraxian Portal and called it the Hunan Security Complex. (Naturally, the portal to Guraxia remains one of Communist China’s most guarded state secrets.)
If they had had unlimited access to Guraxia science and technology, China would have quickly surpassed the US and the USSR in almost field of technical endeavor. Unfortunately for China, trade and communication with Guraxia was severely limited. Due to the complex vagaries of subspace astrophysics, the wormhole was only functional certain times of the year when conditions were optimal. The Chinese only had one, or at most two, months of contact with the Guraxians every year.
The periodic and intermittent contact with Guraxia did give China the genetic engineering and advanced technology that formed the foundation of the newly invigorated super-soldier program and helped Communist China catch up in the meta-human arms race. Unfortunately, due to the limited grasp Chinese scientists had on the highly advanced Guraxian technology, there was as high a fatality rate among volunteers for the Chinese super-soldier program as there was for Project: Hammer or Project: Icarus. Still, over time, the Glorious Worker’s Righteous Fury took shape.
The discovery of the Guraxian portal came at a fortuitous time for China. Just a few years later, in 1959, due to the acrimonious and ever-widening Sino-Soviet ideological split, Khrushchev reneged on previous agreements and terminated any programs assisting China with super-soldier development efforts.
The first Chinese super-soldiers who didn’t wear second hand Soviet battlesuits were the Red Guardsmen – a trio of brothers who were enhanced by Guraxian genetic engineering with electrical control abilities. Next were the Ultra-Commandos – who only accepted volunteers from the cream of the People’s Liberation Army for enhancement with increased strength, size and toughness. The process used to create the Ultra-Commando was the most successfully repeatable enhancement technique that has been developed using Guraxian technology. At its height, before the purges of the Cultural Revolution, there were almost 200 Ultra-Commandos and they were the backbone and most visible face of the Chinese super-soldier program. In the mid 1960s, after the disastrous creation of Armored Fusion – who pilots a powerful suit of battle-armor that he can never remove – the Ultra-Commando process became the officially preferred methodology of super-soldier creation, at least until such time as Chinese scientists more fully understand Guraxian technology.
During the late 1970s, in a welcome surprise, the GWRF added its first natural mutant, the former PLA tank officer Li Xiong whose elemental control abilities manifested during a training accident.
Over it's 40 year history, the Glorious Worker's Righteous Fury has seen action against US forces in the Taiwan Strait, against Warsaw Pact forces in the border conflict with the Soviet Union (and again during the Sino-Vietnamese war) and against aliens in the Tsavong Invasion. However, by far their most challenging conflict has been the decades-long, grueling, meta-human guerrilla war with the resistance movement in Tibet.
They are considered to be the third most powerful national super-team on the planet. Ironically, despite all their battles, their greatest enemy has been internal political forces. The Chinese super-soldier program suffered greatly during the loyalty purges of the Cultural Revolution and was still recovering and rebuilding well into the 1980s.
For unknown reasons (although there are a bevy of possible explanations based in genetics, environmental factors and even conspiracy theories involving malevolent Japanese mystics) mainland China seems to produce far fewer individuals with the meta-human genetics than would be expected based on the nations massive population. This unfortunate statistical truth combined with Communist China's harassment of mystics and general harsh treatment of mutants who refused to be drafted into state service had the effect of severely hindering the early attempts at developing a super-soldier program. To make matters worse, unlike the Soviet Union and the US, the People's Republic of China didn't have any salvaged notes from the Bio-Blitz process to work with and had virtually no technical knowledge regarding battle armor. The combination of these factors meant that during the early years of the Cold War, China was at a distinct disadvantage in the super-soldier race.
In the early 50s, the first credible steps towards having a super-soldier program came when the USSR sold China several dozen old, modified WW2 era Shturmovik power armor. The armored Chinese soldiers saw action in the Korean War and during skirmishes in the Strait of Taiwan. These suits were studied closely and reverse engineered by People's Liberation Army technicians and served as the basis for the beginnings of the Chinese power armor program.
The true beginning of a home-grown meta-human program came in the early 1950s, when a Chinese archeological team searching for Neolithic Era artifacts in a remote cave system in the Hunan province made the find of the century. They discovered an intricately carved stone portal. The portal was made of an unusual substance not found anywhere on Earth and closer examination showed that it radiated an unusual energy aura – that was later identified as a tachyonic field. Investigation revealed that the portal could activate a stable, but intermittent, interstellar wormhole to Guraxia – a distant planet on the outer fringe of the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy. The Guraxians were a race of huge reptilian humanoids (some have even suggested that their appearance is vaguely draconic) that had explored the cosmos centuries ago and left behind sub-space portals that led back to their homeworld so that they could maintain contact with the planets they'd visited. Although the Hunan portal had long been forgotten, the Guraxians (who had a generally peaceful and trade-oriented culture) still had records of dealing with Earth and were eager to resume trade and diplomatic contact with our planet. Cursory diplomatic relations were established. China quickly constructed a heavily fortified facility around the Guraxian Portal and called it the Hunan Security Complex. (Naturally, the portal to Guraxia remains one of Communist China’s most guarded state secrets.)
If they had had unlimited access to Guraxia science and technology, China would have quickly surpassed the US and the USSR in almost field of technical endeavor. Unfortunately for China, trade and communication with Guraxia was severely limited. Due to the complex vagaries of subspace astrophysics, the wormhole was only functional certain times of the year when conditions were optimal. The Chinese only had one, or at most two, months of contact with the Guraxians every year.
The periodic and intermittent contact with Guraxia did give China the genetic engineering and advanced technology that formed the foundation of the newly invigorated super-soldier program and helped Communist China catch up in the meta-human arms race. Unfortunately, due to the limited grasp Chinese scientists had on the highly advanced Guraxian technology, there was as high a fatality rate among volunteers for the Chinese super-soldier program as there was for Project: Hammer or Project: Icarus. Still, over time, the Glorious Worker’s Righteous Fury took shape.
The discovery of the Guraxian portal came at a fortuitous time for China. Just a few years later, in 1959, due to the acrimonious and ever-widening Sino-Soviet ideological split, Khrushchev reneged on previous agreements and terminated any programs assisting China with super-soldier development efforts.
The first Chinese super-soldiers who didn’t wear second hand Soviet battlesuits were the Red Guardsmen – a trio of brothers who were enhanced by Guraxian genetic engineering with electrical control abilities. Next were the Ultra-Commandos – who only accepted volunteers from the cream of the People’s Liberation Army for enhancement with increased strength, size and toughness. The process used to create the Ultra-Commando was the most successfully repeatable enhancement technique that has been developed using Guraxian technology. At its height, before the purges of the Cultural Revolution, there were almost 200 Ultra-Commandos and they were the backbone and most visible face of the Chinese super-soldier program. In the mid 1960s, after the disastrous creation of Armored Fusion – who pilots a powerful suit of battle-armor that he can never remove – the Ultra-Commando process became the officially preferred methodology of super-soldier creation, at least until such time as Chinese scientists more fully understand Guraxian technology.
During the late 1970s, in a welcome surprise, the GWRF added its first natural mutant, the former PLA tank officer Li Xiong whose elemental control abilities manifested during a training accident.
Over it's 40 year history, the Glorious Worker's Righteous Fury has seen action against US forces in the Taiwan Strait, against Warsaw Pact forces in the border conflict with the Soviet Union (and again during the Sino-Vietnamese war) and against aliens in the Tsavong Invasion. However, by far their most challenging conflict has been the decades-long, grueling, meta-human guerrilla war with the resistance movement in Tibet.
They are considered to be the third most powerful national super-team on the planet. Ironically, despite all their battles, their greatest enemy has been internal political forces. The Chinese super-soldier program suffered greatly during the loyalty purges of the Cultural Revolution and was still recovering and rebuilding well into the 1980s.
1 comment:
Thanks for the pimpage, Chuck.
Just a note -- this book is a sequel to Defcon. It's title is: Wargames 1 -- Threats of the Cold War.
The section in this preview details the Chinese government's super-team.
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