Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Preview of the Canterbury Isles: The City of Bondaea

This is a look at the small fantasy city that will be included in my upcoming World of Arkara: Gazetteer of the Canterbury Isles.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Do you want to date my avatar? (The Guild)
Best fantasy setting material of all time
Monday, August 24, 2009
Arthur Lives Narrator's Guide in layout
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Stuff that is probably only significant to me
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wargames of the Cold War Preview
Thursday, August 20, 2009
World of Arkara has been released!

World of Arrkara is an old-school, "sandbox" style fantasy setting for the OSRIC system.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Survey: Gamers are fat and depressed
So, I watched the Rocketeer again tonight
Watching her play the vapid starlet and girlfriend of the hero (was she really going out with him?) was flat out distracting.
#89 with a bullet?
Not bad for a book released in October of 2007.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We have always been at war with East Asia
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A taste of Arkara
The Axelands used to be one of the most prosperous realms in all of the Northern Continent. Once this land was the breadbasket of the Kingdom of Damask, the most powerful and influential kingdom in 500 years. All that changed when Lord Illanyra launched his bid to take over the kingdom and attempted to assassinate the entire royal family.
While civil war raged in the south, numerous humanoid tribes that had plagued Damask’s northern border for centuries saw an opportunity to take control of the kingdom’s northern regions. When the dwarves of the Axehandle mountains that border northern Damask decided to use the civil war as an opportunity to destroy the troublesome kingdom of men, and began supplying the humanoids with top-notch weapons free of charge, the trickle of humanoids became a flood and then an army.
Now this region is a war-torn hell of villages struggling just to survive another day, surrounded on all sides by murderous humanoid tribes bearing Dwarven weaponry. Currently the Deathspear Goblins, the Nightstalk Bugbears, the Duneblind Ogres, the Swiftsand Goblins and the Bloodhawk Gnolls infest this region.
Recently the Warband has brought the only glimmer of hope this region has seen in almost ten years. One of the largest groups of Rangers ever gathered together at a single place and time, they are led by Erik Loftin, the leader of the Knights of the Old Order and Leora, Archminister of the goddess Dannos. Still, even this group has served only to stem the tide of evil and chaos, like a tourniquet on a severed vein. They have even had to attack the greedy Axehandle Dwarves to cut off the humanoids’ supply of weapons, adding to the difficulty faced by this powerful, but hopelessly outnumbered collection of heroes.
Still, the Baron who rules this land still lives and has pledged his support to the Warband, offering them what little aid his can while his ragtag army fights a guerilla war. He is as outnumbered and outmatched as the Warband and has put out a call for brave adventurers, promising gold, titles, land and anything else he thinks might attract the ambitious and the young to his standard.
On the coast, across the Axehandle Mountains, live group of elves that have no love for the rampaging humanoids or the greedy Dwarves who have been assisting them. While the Dwarves have closed the mountain passes to these elves, they have begun to make the long journey north around the mountains and have been appearing in the region in greater numbers of late to assist against the threat.
Nominal Rulers: Baron Malcolm Boergrim owing fealty to King Lucius III of Damask (humans); King Branislav, Lord of the Axehandle Dwarves (Dwarves); Lord of the Coastal Wood Mikaere (Elves)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Actual World of Arkara info
So... uh... that World of Ariakus thing...
Yeah baby! I am so wasted right now!
World. Three days. Done.
Welcome... to Chuckworld
Friday, August 14, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Out now from Vigilance Press: Arthur Lives!

Arthur Lives! is a True20 roleplaying game of supernatural adventure, conspiratorial intrigue, and occult mystery. Heroes and villains from Arthurian myth have been reincarnated, coming back to life in the cinematic present. At first, these individuals don't remember their former lives, but as they begin to recognize each other, old feuds and tragic affairs resurface. Why has the King returned now? Does some unseen danger threaten? And even if the answer is yes, will these legendary heroes be able to put their old grievances aside long enough to oppose it?
Arthur Lives! is a complete campaign setting using the True20 system. This book includes:
- Complete rules for character generation. You can play any character from Arthurian myth, or even make your own character from the myth that no one has heard of until now! You have been reincarnated in the present and so you have your own modern, mundane life. How will you reconcile these two lives? And with your new life comes old enemies, allies, and rivals.
- Rules for Magic and Enchantment. Enchantment is a new Supernatural Philosophy for True20 Adepts, replacing fatigue cost with an ever-escalating risk that the Enchanter's magic goes out of his control to disastrous effect. This chapter also includes rules for crafting potions and a collection of supernatural Echoes -- visions of enchanted objects like Excalibur and the Holy Grail which characters can quest after.
Friday, August 07, 2009
One more note about the Philanthropist
TV Shows you should be watching: The Philanthropist
It had "typical TV bullshit drama" written all over it. You know, like Grey's Anatomy.
It's about Teddy Rist, an incredibly wealthy financier who makes his money from "natural resources", basically raping countries in Africa. He's a drunk, a womanizer and he likes to spend his money on cars and flashy paintings.
Then he has an epiphany and begins to use his money to help people.
20-page free preview of Arthur Lives! now available at RPGNow

Check out this 20-page PDF preview of the Arthur Lives! Player's Guide for True20, available now from Vigilance Press.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Interface Zero Modern20 edition out now!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Voyages of Discovery is on sale!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Dear Wizard Magazine
Wanting to BE Maxim Magazine is a terrible, terrible idea.
Burn Notice
Night Ride Part 1
Night Ride Part 1 “Look, Pa, it’s my turn. Also, Nana is having one of her spells again and she has no idea who I am when she gets this w...